S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl Weapons & Artifacts Locations FAQ/guide |
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a huge game, not only in terms of mere landmass but also interms of the items and people you encounter as part of your travels. Most ofthe other stalkers you meet as you make your way through the radioactive wastethat was once Chernobyl will be fairly generic characters with little to say,wielding generic weapons and items that is of little use to you. However oncein a nuclear blowout you'll stumble across one of those rare pieces ofequipment that makes the search worthwhille, it could be a special weapon, onewith a silencer already attached. It could be a new glittering piece of armor,making those that pack of mauling dogs seem slightly less frightening. Itcould be a scope that fits perfectly on your brand new assault rifle It. couldeven be one of those artifacts that you just can't seem to get your hands onanywhere you've looked. This guide is here to help you find those items thatmakes even the thoughest of fights a little more managable. |
Before we start listing the items however, there is some basics aboutS.T.A.L.K.E.R that one need to understand for it all to make sense
This guide will cover items on an area by area basis. If an item is part of aquest in some manner or form I will refer to it in the area where it is found,not in the area where the quest is given. Items covered in this guide are, Unique items, Armors, Weapon attachments andRare Artifacts. All items in this guide are static items. That means that theycan be found under the same conditions every time you play the game. This guide does not contain any infomation as to items found in stashes. |
Version History 1.11 - Changed the Guide formating and updated Millitary Warehouses.1.10 - Updated Cordon and Millitary Warehouses.1.09 - Updated Rostock and Millitary Warehouses.1.08 - Updated Millitary Warehouses.1.07 - Updated Dark Valley and Millitary Warehouses.1.06 - Added Millitary Warehouses.1.05 - Updated Rostock and Garbage.1.04 - Added Rostock and Yantar.1,03 - Added Wild Territory.1.02 - Updated Cordon and added Agprom Station.1.01 - Updated Garbage and added Dark Valley.1.00 - First draft. Covers Cordon and Garbage. |
Cordon |
Merc Suit Description: Probably the best armor you will get until you reach the barunless you camp the trader for a Stalker suit. In any case it will help youtremendously early on as armor is really the deciding factor when it comes tocombat. Location: It is hidden in a breakable crate in the newbie camp where you startout your adventures. To get to it however, you need to climb the ladderbehind "Wolf", the character that gives you a pistol and knife for your veryfirst mission. Don't climb inside the attic of the building however, use thesmall ledge to get around and ontop of the roof, from there you simply need tomake a running jump to the next house in line. The crate is visible throughone of the holes in the roof of this building, and although you cannot enterthe attic here you can still break the crate and grab it's contents. Becareful though as there is a chance that the armor will be pushed out of yourreach by the crate debris. Note: Before patch 1.0001 this was a Stalker suit and not a Merc suit. Mail Suit Description: This is, quite simply, a Bandit suit with increasedbulletproffing. A nice suit to have early on but if you pick up the Merc suitin the newbie village this one becomes obsolete. Location: During your very first mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R you will be asked toretrive a flash drive from a stalker that was captured by some bandits. If youmanage to free him he will offer you a quest to go find a "Perfected Suit".The suit is located in a tunnel on the east side of the map. Simply follow theroad leading out of the bandit camp to find it. Be wary however that the suitmay be guarded by a Pseudodog. Note: Seeing as you need to give this suit to Nimble, the stalker you rescuedin order to complete his mission you will need to fail the mission if you wantto keep the suit. Do this by either not returning to him, allowing time to setthe mission to failed. Or simply walk up to him and tell him that you refuseto do his job. Either way will end the mission with the suit still in yourhands. Silencer Attachment Description: A muffler for your favorite weapon. Despite it's descriptionthere is a limited number of weapons it can be attached to. The silencedeffect is not very impressive either and it should be added to weapons mostlyfor aestics. Stealth players should stick to weapons with no-replaceablesuppressors and the silenced effect is much more effecient. Location: Locate the old mill just before the broken railroad bridge, thesilencer is inside a breakable crate on top of one of the warehouse buildingshere. The easiest way to get to it is to climb to the roof of the old mill andmake a jump the decomissioned van parked down below, the further onto the roofof the warehouse. With a bit of skill you can jump directly from the groundand onto the van as well. Note: When you break the crate the contents will fall through the roof forsome reason so you need to head below in order to pick up your silencer. Thecrate also contains some Warsaw Pact ammonition. Fort 15 Description: Probably the first unqiue weapon you will come across and alsoone that'll be of use to you for a whille. Although later on a sidearm merelyqualifies as weight that could have been used on ammo this early on manyplayers find a sidearm extremely helpful. The pistol itself is simply enough a15 clip version of the regular fort pistol with no additional enchancements. Location: The pass beneath the ruined railroad bridge is guard by a group of6-8 soldiers that prevent passage through. At each end of their encampment isa sergent stationed, the sergent position in the direction of the newbiesvilliage, the direction you are most likely to meet these guys from, iscarrying this gun. He doesn't use it himself so chances are it will be in verygood condition. Note: Although the soldiers will show up hostile on your screen they will infact not open fire on you unless you attempt to walk past them. Talking to thesergent at either end will allow you to buy passage through. Tourist Suit Description: Although you get this item in Cordon you will most likely not beable to until much later in the game but even then it remains one of the mostuseful items in the game as it significantly increases your carry weight. Notethrough that although it has the appearence of a regular stalker suit it doesnot share the same protective qualities. In fact, it has none making it usefulonly for bringing loot back to camp. Location: The trader inside the bunker near the newbies village will give youa series of artifact collection quests which culminates in a mission toretrive the rare artifact named "Night Star". Bringing this artifact to himwill award you with this suit. Note: The Night Star is an extremely rare spawn and it is rumored that it willonly appear during nighttime. It is however the reward of a few quests youwill recived later on. |
Garbage |
AK74-U Suppressed Description: A regular AK74-U but with a non-replaceable muffler built in.This is the first truely useful stealth weapon you will come across and assuch is a high value commodity if thats your gaming style. If you have nointentions of using stealth however then it has the exact same values as aregular AK74-U. Location: When you arrive in garbage and start heading a little down the roadyou will recive a distress call from a stalker named Bess who is about to beattacked by a group of bandits. Head down to the scrap yard where Bess and 3-4other stalkers are getting ready for the attack. There is no timer on this,the attack will only begin once you have talked to Bess. Bess himself is whocarries this weapon so in order to obtain it you will need to either kill himyourself or hope that one of the bandits get in a lucky shot. Note: If you have something against killing Bess yourself it's still quiteeasy to obtain this weapon. The scrap yard is literally surrounded by banditspawns and will, after you complete the quest he gives you, be under constantattack from bandits leading to his inevitable death. Silencer Attachment Description: A muffler for your favorite weapon. Despite it's descriptionthere is a limited number of weapons it can be attached to. The silencedeffect is not very impressive either and it should be added to weapons mostlyfor aestics. Stealth players should stick to weapons with no-replaceablesuppressors and the silenced effect is much more effecient. Location: In the scrap yard that Bess is guarding head down to the far side,there you should find a covered truck. It's the only one of it's kind in thescrap yard so it shouldn't be hard to locate. Inside the truck you'll find abreakable box which contains the silencer. Note: The truck can be somewhat tricky to get into as it requires some rathermasterful jumping skills so you might want to just settle for the silencerfound in Cordon. Viper 9x18 Description: A regular Viper submachinegun this model has been modified to usethe very common 9x18 ammunition. Although that sounds very useful on paper bythe time you aquire this you've most likely moved on to using a AK74-U orsomething similar. It'll still prove useful for a short whille if you are lowon ammunition for your primary weapons though. Location: Head to the old hangar building and then continue out heading in thedirection of Agprom Station. Just outside the confines of the Hanger will be avery active bandit spawn so be prepared for a rather big fight. Following thetrain tracks will take you into an anomoly filled tunnel, the weapon is at theend of this tunnel. Note: Heading into a tunnel like this without some experience on howto dealwith anomolies is suicide and if you are not careful can also cause a deadsavegame. Don't try to claim this weapon unless you feel confident in dealingwith anomolies. |
Agprom Station |
Walter P99 9x18 Description: A Walker P99 modified to use the common 9x18 rounds. By the timeyou get this however Warsaw Pact ammunition should be plentiful and worryingabout having ammuniton for your sidearm shouldn't really be a concern. Besidesthe difference in bullets used it doesn't have any advantages. Location: Shortly after you enter Agprom Station you will get a radio callthat informs you about a millitary raid taking place on the station, this ispart of the main quest so there is really no way to avoid it. Fighting yourway through the soldiers will lead you to a stalker named "Mole" who's alsopart of the main quest, he'll guide you to a manhole leading down to the notvery aptly named catacombs. Mole himself carries this pistol so the only wayto get it is by killing him. There is of course always a chance that he'll bekilled by the soldiers during the big fight on the station grounds howeverseeing as he hides inside one of the buildings until it is over you'll be hardpressed for him to have an accidental death. Note: Once you go down into the catacombs Mole disappears from the game alongwith his gun so you better decide if killing him is worth it before headingdown. AKS-74 Fastshooting Description: An AKS-74 with it's rate of fire greatly increased. This is thesecond best of the Warsaw Pact line of weapons only topped by the ScopedOkaban. Fitted with a Scope and a Grenade Launcher this baby will last you allthe way to the end. Location: During the main quest you will find yourself down in the AgpromStation catacombs, which really resembles sewers more than anything, lookingfor Strelok's stash, inside the stash you'll find a number of goodies,including a Fireball artifact and a bunch of Warsaw Pact ammunition. On theshelves inside the room you'll also see two AKS-74's, one regular one and thisone. Note: A good weapon like this will tend to get worn from use very quickly sobe careful using against the simpler of enemies as you really will want thisat your side during the parts of the game where your enemies use Warsaw Pactweapons. Merc Suit Description: Although you quite possibly are already wearing a merc suit oreven a stalker suit at this point in the game it will likely have been wornout from your fight through the Garbage and if not then fighting the soldiersat Agprom will finish it off. Having a mint condition suit will make any areaof the game much more managable. Location: When you enter the Agprom Station area just keep following the roaddirectly towards the first complex. Directly to your left as you enter thestation there will be a small gatehouse, the armor is inside there.Note: If your suit is still in a somewhat decent condition it's recommended toleave the merc suit where it is and pick it up on your way back to Garbage,this way you won't have to drag it around, limiting the ammount of loot youcan take with you. |
Dark Valley |
PSO-1 Scope Attachment Description: A scope that fits most of the Warsaw Pact weapons. It will makeyour current AK rifle into a true assault rifle and make things generally alot easier for you. Definatly a useful item that will make the game a wholelot simpler for you. Location: Just inside the Dark Valley area you will run across a Duty factionmember interogating a wounded bandit. Once the interogation is finished theDuty stalker will head off towards the nearby road, follow him and when hestops, lay in ambush along him. After a whille two bandits will come down theroad, escorting a captive Duty member. Kill them and the former captive willreward you with this scope. Note: It has been reported that you have to wait for the Duty member to openfire on the two bandits before you open fire yourself or the quest will bug. Storming Okaban Description: Okaban, the best version of the AK rifles avalible to stalkers,this one with a Grenade Lanucher permanently attached to it's underbelly.Although the AKS-74 Fastshooting is better in most aspects those of youwho "likes to blow things up" might want to keep this as the grenade lanucherattachment for Warsaw Pact weapons is extremely rare, even in stashes. Location: One of the bar patrons in the Rostock bar will give you a mission toretrive this rifle. "Retrive the weapon of the dutyer". It is held by one ofthe bandits that populated the huge bandit facility in Dark Valley, merelykill him and the rifle is yours. Note: As with other items thats the target of missions. If you want to keepthis rifle you'll need to fail the mission. Also it should be noted that thebandit carrying this rifle is not as static as he seems. He has been spotteddoing raids in both Garbage and Agprom making this weapon slightly harder tofind than one might think. The quest marker will always guide you in the rightdirection though. GP-25 Kostyer attachment Description: A grenade lanucher that attached to Warsaw Pact rifles. Althoughit's limited in usefulness it's always a nice thing to fall back on if youfeel yourself overwhelmend with enemies. Location: Part of the main quest will take you down inside the X-18 labslocated in the Dark Valley. The first level will hold no suprises however onceyou take the stairs down you will find a locker room located nearby, insideone of the lockers is an AKS-74 with the launcher attached. Note: This is as far as I know the only attachment of this type in the game,including stashes making it extremely rare. |
Rostock |
Noiseless Kora Description: A Kora handgun with a non-replaceable silencer. Quite possiblythe best choice avalible for a stealth player. Location: One of the stalkers that walk the grounds of Rostock is namedSparrow, he carries this gun with him. Getting it from him won't be easythough as he rarely is alone so getting this gun might mean having to take onthe whole Duty faction in Rostock. Note: It is possible to get this without incurring the wrath of the Dutyfaction, you just need make what is known as a "stealth kill". This meansusing a completly silenced weapon from where noone can see you fire andpreferably from where noone can see your target fall. A one shot kill isrequired. Despite what everone thinks, the knife is not silent enough for this. "Thunder" 5.45 Description: A Thunder rifle modified to use the NATO 5.45 rounds making it avery versatile weapon. Definatly the best choice for using up all your NATOammo even if it does lack a scope. Location: A Duty veteran named "Barin" carries this rifle around Rostock andthe only way to get it is by taking it from his corpse. However, once in awhille he does leave the confines of the protected Duty area and heads offinto the dog territory near the transition point to Garbage making a stealthkill very possible and even easy. Note: Killing him might make the entire Duty faction hostile, even if youthink you managed to do a stealth kill don't save until you've confirmed thatnobody inside Rostock opens fire on you when you get close. |
Wild Territory |
PSO-1 Scope Attachment Description: A scope that fits most of the Warsaw Pact weapons. It will makeyour current AK rifle into a true assault rifle and make things generally alot easier for you. Definatly a useful item that will make the game a wholelot simpler for you. Location: The first time you head into the Wild Territories you'll hear a lotof radio chatter from mercs, deciding what to do with you, at the end of thechatter, or when you get too close, a group of four snipers will open fire onyou from afar. All of these snipers are wielding AKS-74 with attached PSO-1scopes. Note: You are only really ever going to need one PSO-1 scope so keeping allfour is a waste of space. Stalker Suit Description: A suit of Stalker armor, a step up from merc armor. Always niceto know where to find a piece of mint condition armor. Location: Once you head into the Wild Territories for the first time you willtake sniper fire from some windows ahead of you, head into where the sniperswere hiding and goto the end of this hall, on the ground there you will findthis suit of armor. Note: Stalker armor is going to be your mainstay of armor during most of thegame, or rather, until you get to Yantar or begins taking on Duty quests. Black Kite Description: A Desert Eagle, plain and simple. You know it. You love it. Andyou'll most likely pick this up and use it. Take note however that it is auseless piece of hardware. It has no accuracy whatsoever and a recoil thatmakes your shoulder pop out. Basicly, it would probably be more effective tojust keep your starting pistol, atleast you'd score some hits with that. Location: About the center of the Wild Territories area there is a crashedhelicopter, just next to it is a tunnel leading down. Head into this tunnel,jumping on cars to avoid the deadly electro anomolies. Near the middle of thetunnel, on the right hand side you'll find a body clutching this gun. Note: The person holding this gun is Gordon Freeman of halflife fame. Big Ben Description: A modified version of the Black Kite handgun, this one uses theextremely rare sniper ammo with only a damage increase to show for it makingit in fact, worse than it's unmodified counterpart. Location: Right next to the body of Gordon Freeman is a large red crate,inside that crate is a small breakable box containing this hand cannon.Note: Sniper ammo cannot be bought anywhere in the game and besides what youget from this box and a few select stashes the only place before going intoRed Forrest to get more sniper ammo is the Freedom camp in the MillitaryWarehouses district. You have to kill their snipers to get the ammo though.They each have about five rounds. Pellicle Description: One of the few rare artifacts that give you only positiveeffects. This one yields a 30% protection from chemical burn. Location: Inside the underground tunnel in Yantar that also holds the twoDesert Eagles look for a white car, the artifact is hidden near one of thetires, it can be somewhat difficult to spot and the elctro anomolies mighthave pushed it around a little so search carefully. Note: Although this artifact gives only positive effects it's notparticularlly useful, chemical burn is a very rare damage type only reallyencountered in certain rare anomolies. |
Yantar |
Pellicle Description: One of the few rare artifacts that give you only positiveeffects. This one yields a 30% protection from chemical burn. Location: Inside the Mobile Science Lab in Yantar speak to the professor andask for missions, one of the series of missions he offers is artifactretrival. The final quest here being the retrival of the verycommon "Fireball" artifact, bring it to him and exchange it for this betterand more valuable artifact. Note: Although this artifact gives only positive effects it's notparticularlly useful, chemical burn is a very rare damage type only reallyencountered in certain rare anomolies. |
Millitary Warehouses |
Lightend IL 86 Description: An IL 86 which has been modified to weigh less and as a bonus hasa non-replaceable silencer. It has a downside of being less accurate than theregular version though. Good for stealth players but not for anyone else. Location: In the Rostock bar the stalker named "Snitch" that usually sells youuseless infomation will also offer up a quest to kill a "Master stalker" inthe Millitary Warehouses district. The stalker in question usually hangsaround the campfire in the middle of the map but he might migrate to the smallfarm just east of the transition from Rostock if the Duty stalkers there havebeen removed. Note: He's not actually a master stalker, he's just named Master. Vintar BC Description: The ultimate choice for a stealth player. Completly noiseless andflameless, comes with a scope and packs a hefty punch. It's only downside isit's low capacity clip that makes it useless in close quaters. Location: Head to the northern part of the Freedom base, there should be 2barracks type buildings on the western side and some closed off hangars to theeast. The northernmost barracks is where you want to go. The gun is laying onthe floor on the opposite side from you enter the building. Note: This weapon is so silent that you can in fact experience shooting peoplewithout them responding to taking damage. Bulldog 6 Description: A pistol type grenade launcher, although it's very powerful andcan dish out a lot of damage at a high speed the low ammount of ammunitionavalible coupled with it's weight and general uselessness at range makes itworthwhille only to those that insist on making their enemies go BOOM! Location: Inside the main Freedom headquaters, the building which alsocontains the Freedom merchant and the Freedom leader "Lukash" there is a guardblocking off two of the rooms, one of them being the Freedom Armoury wherethis gun is located in a box on top of the lockers. You cannot get in withoutkilling the guard however it is posible to do so without making the wholeFreedom faction hostile to you as long as it's a 100% stealth kill. Note: Aquiring the Bulldog 6 is a mission for Duty, however seeing as thereare one more of this kind of gun you can both complete the Duty mission and goblow stuff up. M203 attachment Description: A grenade launcher for NATO rifles, it's only really useful inselect situations but then again, some people just like to bring along someexplosives, just in case. Location: This one is inside the Freedom armoury as well, along one of thewalls is a number of TR301's, one of them has this launcher attached to it. Note: Along with the GP-25 this makes the Bulldog, and hand grenades for thatmatter, obsolete. SUSAT Scope attachment Description: An scope that fits most of the NATO style weaponery avalible toyou an item like this definatly makes life easier in the zone. Location: Inside the Freedom armory attached to a TR301 right next to whereyou find the M203. Note: SUSAT Scopes are much harder to come by than PSO-1 scopes so gettingthis early should be a priority unless you are lucky enough to find one in astash. Spring Description: One of those rare artifacts with no bad side effects this onegiving 30% impact protection. Location: Head into the bloodsucker village and goto the northern end, theonly noticeable landmark here being the grainsilo, the artifact is up the topof the stairs. Note: This artifact, despite being valuable and rare, isn't very useful,impact damage is fall damage and unless you like to jump out of tall buildingsyou won't really need this artifact. Bulldog 6 Description: A pistol type grenade launcher, although it's very powerful andcan dish out a lot of damage at a high speed the low ammount of ammunitionavalible coupled with it's weight and general uselessness at range makes itworthwhille only to those that insist on making their enemies go BOOM! Location: Head into the bloodsucker village, checking the houses on theeastern side of the road. One of them will have a newly dug basement with thisweapon and some ammunition. Note: Aquiring the Bulldog 6 is a mission for Duty, however seeing as thereare one more of this kind of gun you can both complete the Duty mission and goblow stuff up. |
Contact Any corrections, questions, complaints, whines, deaththreats or additions tothis guide should be sent either via Private Message on the IGN board orthrough E-mail at c00lizz (at) planethalflife (dot) com. Please ensure thatany E-mails sent is aptly named and has STALKER in the topic line. Credits Legal S.T.A.L.K.E.R is copyright 2007 GSC Game World. |
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Author: Allyn Kozey
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Name: Allyn Kozey
Birthday: 1993-12-21
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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.