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Vocabulary Test:
world history vocabWords:
Black Death, Plague, Pandemic, Bubonic Plague, Buboes, Famines, Talismans, Bloodletting, Pilgrimages, Mortality, Vernacular
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Vocabulary Test:
Critical Thinking Vocab 2Words:
Principle, Personal contradiction, Multilogical Thinking, Multilogical problems, Intuition, Faith, Inference, Insight, Fair, Empirical, Cultural Assumption, Clarify, Perspective, Logic of a discipline , Evaluation, Data, Bias, Authority, Reciprocity, Self-deception
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Vocabulary Test:
tx history vocabWords:
cival war 1861-1865, reconstruction 1865-1874, texas constitution of 1876, sectionalism, political, social , econimical, abraham lincoln, states' rights, secede, union , confederacy, john wilkes booth, conscription act, emancipation proclamation, tariff, juneteenth, tenant farming, sharecropping, Freedman's bureau, 13 amendment, 14 amendment, 15 amendment, Jim Crow law
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Vocabulary Test:
world historyWords:
pandemic, Bubonic plague, Plague, Black Death, bloodletting, talismans , famines, buboes, vernacular , Mortality , pilgrimages
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Vocabulary Test:
billet-doux, arcane, truncated, wanderlust, flotilla, mellifluous, cogitate, ambrosial, saturnine, whet
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Vocabulary Test:
phil 191 final study guideWords:
Definition of Philosophy, Deductive Arguments, Inductive Arguments, Descriptive Ethics, Metaethics, Metaphysics, Normatives ethics, Mills greatest happiness principle, Happiness according to Mill, Being disinterested (Mill) , Eudaimonia (happiness), Virtue according to Aristotle/Nussbaum, How Nussbaum addresses relativism, How progress is made in ethics (Nussbaum/Aristotle), How virtues are named in ethics (Aristotle/Nussbaum), The Golden Mean, Three common features of humanity, Kants assumptions , The Good Will, Why should we respect people? (Kant), Requirements of Justice, Requirements of Beneficience, Using someone as a means, Using someone as a mere means, Using someone as an end in themselves, Kant vs Utilitarians respect for life
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Vocabulary Test:
history quizWords:
Mexican-American War, territory, annex, diplomacy, justifiable, dictator, Texas War for Independence, Louisiana Purchase, divine, manifest destiny, motives, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Sacajawea, rendezvous, rancho, legacy, stimulated, Oregon Trail, status, prospect, Mormons, prosecuted, Forty-niners, tradition, irrigation, Mexicanos, Accompaniment, procession
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Vocabulary Test:
Week Seven - Trade and EthicsWords:
consideration, characteristics, emerging, supply chain, inhumane, subcontractor, offshore, launch, accommodate, issues, ethics, outsource, expectations, reap, free trade, consequently, abide by, turnaround, exceed, ample, trade barriers, downturn
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Vocabulary Test:
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Vocabulary Test:
LA whirligig vocabularyWords:
Careen, Annotate, Reconnoiter, Burin, Caustic, Turreted, Tirade, Gesticulate, Manslaughter, Exuberantly , Ethereal, Eulogy, Chrysalis, Collaborated, Karass, Disparate , Shearwater, Hostel, Concertina, Fray, Boisterous, Unobtrusively, Perseverance, Panorama, Soliloquy, Thwart, Gaggle, Catapult, Raucously, Kinetic, Myriad
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Vocabulary Test:
Ch 10 -3 Drect HintsWords:
cerebral, interloper, excoriating, scathing, florid, incredulous, credulous, flippant, facetious, nuance, visceral, nonplussed, confounded, ignominious, euphony, cacophony, obsequious, timorous
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Vocabulary Test:
history 3/26/13Words:
what city was divided into four sections , what provided benifits for veterans, wich country fought on th side of north korea, poulrar general fired by truman, plan to ghelp rebuild western countries, what was americns first satiite , who made unproven accusations of communist, alliance between eastern countris and the soviat union, used to describe the division between eastern and western erope, what is the us ecoomic system called , private ownership of industry, freedom for competition, laisafare , govt controls industry, economic euality to everyone, govt by the people , controls every aspect of the people lives , govt by 1 or phew, people do things on their own, competition, people wor together , all for one one for all , what was the outcome of the nurimburg trials, who proposed the inited nation, what was the iron curtain , what is containment , who was the truman doctrine intended to help, what was the purpose of the marshal plan , what was the name of the us treaty orginizatipon, how did worl war 2 change the fight for civil rights, wich president desegragated the armed forces, how long did the korean war last, how did the korean war end, were was korea devided, the cold war had many americans afraid of what , c
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Vocabulary Test:
Chapter 3-WA HistoryWords:
protection, botanist, rendezvous, headquarters, survey, pirate, patriot, ancestor, stockade, interpreter, wilderness, missionary, valuable, Hispanic, apprentice, brigade, explorer, felt
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Vocabulary Test:
History Vocab A New NationWords:
Battle of Tippecance, Battle of Fallen Timbers, Embargo Act, Democratic Republican Party, Judicial Review, Judiciary Act of 1789, Battle of Lake Erie, Bonds, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Hartford Convention, Federalist Party, Impressment, Lewis and Clark expedition, Jays Treaty, Battle of new orleans, Loose Construction, Louisiana Purchase, Alien and Sedition Acts, National Debt, Privateers, Non intercourse acts, Treaty of fort jackson, Marbury vs Madison, Strict Construction, Treaty of Greneville, XYZ Affair, Neutrality Proclaimation, USS Constitution, Whiskey Rebellion, Republican Motherhood, Speculators, Treaty of Ghent, War Hawks, Pickneys Treaty
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Vocabulary Test:
bulk, analyse, slog, role, decagon, decade, differences, decimal, decathlon, decimetre, prioritise, tolerance, compromise, similarity, analysis
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Vocabulary Test:
Circles MatchingWords:
Circle, Radius, Chord, Concentric Circles, Diameter, Interior of a Circle
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Vocabulary Test:
Which Gorillaz Character Are you?Words:
We Know you like the Gorillaz! But which Gorillaz Character Are , Before Breakfast, It's time for some grooming. How do you groom, After you've groomed yourself, It's time for you to choose your , Finally! It's Breakfast Time! And your'e starving! What do you e, After Breakfast, It's time for Band Rehearsal. And you wanna do , After Band Rehearsals, It's time for a break at the Studio Kitch, After Many rehearsals later, It's time for Lunch! What do you ha, After Lunch, and Afternoon Rehearsals, and chilling, It's Time f, After a Movie and Dinner, It's time for bed. How do you get read, While your'e asleep, what do you dream about in your dreams?, What's your Favorite Color in the Whole wide world?, What did you think of this Quiz?, If you got more A's then Your'e..., If you got more B's then Your'e..., If you Got more C's then Youre..., If you got More D's then Your'e..., Any more words from the Band? let's hear it...!, Noodle..., Russ..., Murdoc's turn!
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Vocabulary Test:
Diurnal, Consernation, Copiusly, Leviathan, Beldam, Conjecture, Intergrale, Pliable, Sorrel, Dell
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Vocabulary Test:
High Elk's First 12 Vocabulary WordsWords:
Brule Sioux, Dakota Reservation, travois, desperate, palomino, tipi
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Vocabulary Test:
Terry Mann, Jason Schultz, Rod Lange, Leslie Orr, Fred Allen, Charisse Tyler, Shawn Wolfgram
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Vocabulary Test:
Horseisle QuizWords:
Quest, Arabian, Flurry Isle, Username, HI2, CamelBridle
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Vocabulary Test:
Week 1 Hosp PharmWords:
Nosocomial, Radiology, Complication, Receptor Site, Prescription Drugs, NICU, Ambulatory Care, Durable Medical Equipment, Outpatient Pharmacy, Chemo Therapy Tech, Oncology, Hospice Care, Controlled Substances Tech, Accredidation, Injection Clinic, Respiratory, Inventory Tech, JCAHO, Urgent Care
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Vocabulary Test:
Fella QuizWords:
LBT, LWT, KLU, Fella Magic, LGT, Fella Horse, Fella, LBLT, Super High Jump, MP
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Vocabulary Test:
to make up , unbearable , rude, support, to compliment someone, thoughtful, to gossip, gossip, wonderful, conceited, to trust , nosy , jealous
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Vocabulary Test:
El Resfriado, La Farmacia, La Pildora, La Gripe, La Fiebre, La Aspirina, La Enfermera, La Pierna Rota, El Brazo Roto, La Medicina, El Medico, El Hospital
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Vocabulary Test:
Week 11 EOG Vocabulary TestWords:
demands, deceived , damp, crude, crouched, craned, cradling, coward, courage, convinced
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Vocabulary Test:
Notorious, perturb, insipid, tether, consternation, allocate, crestfallen, cavort, miff, jaunty, belligerent, judicious, somnolent, melee, couplet, mutinous
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Vocabulary Test:
Painty, Piebald, Mare, LWT, Myrtlewood, Apple
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Vocabulary Test:
burgeoned, discrimination, forge, munificent, redress, terse, vapid, equivocal, excerpt, heinous, improvident, intrepid, agitation, comprehensive, evanesce, intercept, redundant, surfeit, unkempt, whet, lien, malcontent, nauseous, petulant, phonetics
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Vocabulary Test:
Chapter 5 word partsWords:
hemat/o, -emia, phleb/o, leuk/o, hem/o, erythr/o, -crasia, cardi/o, brany-, ather/o, arteri/o, aort/o, angi/o, tachy-, thromb/o, ven/o
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Vocabulary Test:
Thursdays listWords:
Torrid, Surreptitious, Ameliorate, Macadamize, Jaundice, Blockade, Antediluvian, Vague, Affirmation, Scintillated, Effervesce, Amity, Abstemious, Abridge, Atrophy, Capricious, Clemency, Capitulate, Bungle, Burgeon, Antipathy, Quarantine, Pedigree, Accumulate, Meritorious, Preclude, Evince, Filibuster, Belligerent, Alchemy, Venal, Extricate, Unctuous, Harangue, Bane, Ambulatory, Mathematics, Validat, Constrict, Deduct, Resist, Global, Detract, Tributary, Mender, Negat, Perjure, Vignette, Accolade, Futile
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Vocabulary Test:
Vocab lessons 9-10Words:
emulate, enamored, enhance, enigma, enraptured, enunciate, erudite, ethnic, evince, evoke, exhort, exodus, expatriate, expedient, explicit, expound, expunge, extol, extradite, extraneous, extrovert, exult, fallacy, feasible, fiasco, fickle, fluctuate, formidable, frowzy, frugal
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Vocabulary Test:
Medical TermWords:
cystitis, cystectomy, meatal stenosis, nephropathy, hydronephrosis, ketonuria, renal colic, trigonitis, ureteroplasty, urethritis, intravesical, albuminuria, azotemia, polydipsia, ketosis, nocturia, pyuria, antidiuretic hormone, anuria, hematuria, oliguria, erythropoietin, lithotripsy, uremia, enuresis, diuresis, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, polyuria, glycosuria, amniocentesis, endocervicitis, episiotomy, gynecomastia, hysterectomy, lactation, mastitis, menorrhagia, neonatal, obstetrics, oophoritis, salpingectomy, uterine prolapse, pseudocyesis, primigravida, leukorrhea, oxytocia, endometritis, intrauterine device, cephalic version, galactorrhea, mastectomy, amenorrhea, oogenesis, oophorectomy, menarche, dyspareunia, multigravida, prenatal, primipara, androgen, cryogenic surgery, cryptorchidism, gonorrhea, hyrocele, orchiectomy, balanitis, prostatitis, spermolytic, terticular, prostatectomy, penile, oligospermia, teratoma, varicocele, vasectomy, spermatogenesis, testosterone, orchiopexy, vasovasostomy, aspermia, azoospermia, seminiferous tubules, orchitis, epididymitis, cerebral cortex, subdural hematoma, glioblastoma, meningioma, encephalopathy, myelogram, radiculitis, intrathecal injection, analgesia, neuralgia, comatose, anesthesia, bradykinesia, hyperkinesis, epilepsy, narcolepsy, dyslexia, paraplegia, syncopal, ataxia, hemiplegia, aphasia, dyskinesia, causalagia, cephalgia, neuropathy, myoneural, myelomeningocele, anencephaly, encephalitis, angioplasty , aortic stenosis, endarterectomy, artherosclerosis, brachial artery, cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, hypercholesterolemia, hypoxia, pericardiocentesis, phlebotomy, thrombophlebitis, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, vasoconstriction, vascular, venipuncture, interventricular septum, cardiomegaly, thrombolysis, angiogram, arteriosclerosis, bradycardia, cyanosis, arrhythmia, vasodilation , venous, cardiogenic shock, atheroma, atrial
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Vocabulary Test:
Root WordsWords:
Aster, Vert, Script, Tempo, Multi, Cosmo, Corp, Cred, Aqua, Carn, Circ , Hydro, Man, Scrib, Struct, Mit
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Vocabulary Test:
de mauvaise humeur, de nouveau, le déboisement, se débrouiller, déchirer, décoller, déçu, dégoûtant, la demande d'emploi, la dégustation, déprimé, déranger, désintoxiquer, se détender, les détritus, détruire, la dette, la déviation, deviner, le diplôme, diriger, disparaître, les distractions , le distributeur automatique, donner sur, doubler, doué, la douleur, douter, les droits de l'homme, dur
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Vocabulary Test:
FrenchGCSEVocab EWords:
l'écharpe, les échecs, échouer, l'échelle , l'éclair, l'éclaircie, l'écran tactile, l'écrivain , l'effect de serre
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Vocabulary Test:
Évolutions de styles de vieWords:
nuire à, le souci, flirter avec, remarquer, continuer à, manquer de motivation, favoriser, diminuer, renforcer, éviter, recommander, influencer, améliorer, prendre l'ascenseur, faire de l'exercice, par terre, paresseux, assis, la tenue de tennis, la maladie cardiaque, l'os, le muscle, l'activité physique, le terrain de tennis, le sommeil, le stress, le taux d'énergie, la fonction respiratoire, l'obésité, le diabète, l'effort, l'apparence physique, impressionner
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Vocabulary Test:
Chapter 4Words:
Lists, Outlines, Concept Maps, Cornell Method, Active listening, Memory, Mnemonics, Acronyms, Acrostics, Rhymes
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Vocabulary Test:
Outsiders Vocabulary TestWords:
vague, composition, stupor, triumph, impact, delirious, guardian, acquitted, circumstance, resemblance, recurring, mourn, mimic, hence, divert, exploit, conformity, bleak, abrupt, vital, incredulous, nonchalantly, rebellious, reputation, rivalry, sarcasm, sympathetic, unfathomable, apprehensive, contempt, defiance, elite, gallant, premonition, reckless, rueful, testify, sullen, reluctantly, indignant, implore, conviction, elude, bewilder, apparent, agony, wince, sophisticated, editorial, hesitation
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Vocabulary Test:
"Days of Tears" vocab quizWords:
regret, overseer, envy, plantation, grief, auction, emotions, hoarse, quarters, reputation, slavery, exchange, business, presence
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