Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (2025)

Pegasus is depicted as a well-mannered yet overly dramatic man obsessed with cartoons, concealing the appearance of a ruthless businessman and gamer, and yet a man of his word.

Pegasus has a habit of callingYugi"Yugi-boy" andKaiba"Kaiba-boy". This trend continues inYu-Gi-Oh! GX. When sufficiently provoked, he can have a temper. Pegasus is also notable for his foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle, all of which have led to him being referred to as "cutie-pie" (byBandit Keith) and an "overdressed prima donna" (byJoey Wheeler).

Pegasus is interested in cartoons, especiallyFunny Bunny, which he watched every Saturday morning while growing up in America. Cartoons are the inspiration for many of his cards, such as theToon monsters.

Pegasus at first comes across as a cheater with a thirst for collecting souls and achieving his ambitions. This impression is changed when his true motive is revealed. Not only is Pegasus an excellent business man, his motivations for acting as the above was the resurrection of his deceased loverCecelia. Because he needed KaibaCorp's Solid Vision and thus needed KaibaCorp, the deal with the Big Five is that he be given control if he beat Yugi, to restore Kaiba Corp's reputation as Yugi beat Kaiba. From this, his cheating to beat Yugi and kidnapping Solomon, Mokuba, and Seto Kaiba becomes somewhat understandable. Furthermore, Pegasus himself honors his pledge to Yugi Muto claiming to be both "duty bound" and a "man of [his] word", releasing the souls ofSolomon Muto, Seto andMokuba Kaibabefore being defeated in aShadow GamebyYami Bakura. Despite cheating with the Millennium Eye himself, Pegasus showed a dislike for people who cheat for personal gain, such as Bandit Keith (who cheated right in front of him). In the anime, he was somewhat light-hearted in this aspect, simply making fun of Keith while dropping him with a trapdoor. However, he allowed the Duel to continue, presumably to see how Joey had grown as a Duelist.

Also, Pegasus displays great humility after his defeat; although he only had to free Solomon, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba if he lost to Yugi, he still gave him the prize money, having read Joey’s mind and realizing that Joey needed the money to save his sister’s eyesight.

In the manga, Pegasus often puts on a timid facade to trick his enemies. He pretends to be discouraged by minor upsets in his duels with Yugi and Kaiba, then acts as if his strategies are purely luck-based. When Kaiba attempts to use the duel disk prototypes, Pegasus pretends that he's too weak to carry the device, forcing Kaiba to use Pegasus' arena.

Pegasus tends to speak English in the original dub from time to time.

Years later inYu-Gi-Oh! GX, Pegasus dropped his ruthless facade completely and became more laid back and jovial. This was shown during his Duel againstVellian CrowlerandJean-Louis Bonaparte.

In the English dub of Bonds Beyond Time, Pegasus is portrayed with an extremely vain personality.


Pegasus is depicted as a well-mannered yet overly dramatic man obsessed with cartoons, concealing the appearance of a ruthless businessman and gamer, and yet a man of his word.

Pegasus has a habit of callingYugi"Yugi-boy" andKaiba"Kaiba-boy". This trend continues inYu-Gi-Oh! GX. When sufficiently provoked, he can have a temper. Pegasus is also notable for his foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle, all of which have led to him being referred to as "cutie-pie" (byBandit Keith) and an "overdressed prima donna" (byJoey Wheeler).

Pegasus is interested in cartoons, especiallyFunny Bunny, which he watched every Saturday morning while growing up in America. Cartoons are the inspiration for many of his cards, such as theToon monsters.

Pegasus at first comes across as a cheater with a thirst for collecting souls and achieving his ambitions. This impression is changed when his true motive is revealed. Not only is Pegasus an excellent business man, his motivations for acting as the above was the resurrection of his deceased loverCecelia. Because he needed KaibaCorp's Solid Vision and thus needed KaibaCorp, the deal with the Big Five is that he be given control if he beat Yugi, to restore Kaiba Corp's reputation as Yugi beat Kaiba. From this, his cheating to beat Yugi and kidnapping Solomon, Mokuba, and Seto Kaiba becomes somewhat understandable. Furthermore, Pegasus himself honors his pledge to Yugi Muto claiming to be both "duty bound" and a "man of [his] word", releasing the souls ofSolomon Muto, Seto andMokuba Kaibabefore being defeated in aShadow GamebyYami Bakura. Despite cheating with the Millennium Eye himself, Pegasus showed a dislike for people who cheat for personal gain, such as Bandit Keith (who cheated right in front of him). In the anime, he was somewhat light-hearted in this aspect, simply making fun of Keith while dropping him with a trapdoor. However, he allowed the Duel to continue, presumably to see how Joey had grown as a Duelist.

Also, Pegasus displays great humility after his defeat; although he only had to free Solomon, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba if he lost to Yugi, he still gave him the prize money, having read Joey’s mind and realizing that Joey needed the money to save his sister’s eyesight.

In the manga, Pegasus often puts on a timid facade to trick his enemies. He pretends to be discouraged by minor upsets in his duels with Yugi and Kaiba, then acts as if his strategies are purely luck-based. When Kaiba attempts to use the duel disk prototypes, Pegasus pretends that he's too weak to carry the device, forcing Kaiba to use Pegasus' arena.

Pegasus tends to speak English in the original dub from time to time.

Years later inYu-Gi-Oh! GX, Pegasus dropped his ruthless facade completely and became more laid back and jovial. This was shown during his Duel againstVellian CrowlerandJean-Louis Bonaparte.

In the English dub of Bonds Beyond Time, Pegasus is portrayed with an extremely vain personality.


Maximillion Pegasus first metCeceliaat a party thrown by his businessman father in Las Vegas 14 years beforeDuelist Kingdom. The two fell in love and made plans to live together. Pegasus often spent time painting portraits of her. (In the dub, the two got married.) Cecelia died of illness at the age of 17.

Pegasus searched the world looking for anything that could possibly revive the dead. His quest led him to Egypt, where their beliefs of an afterlife intrigued him.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (1)

Here he metShadi, the ghost of a guardian of theMillennium Items. Shadi warned him that he wouldn't find the solutions to his problems here and tells him to leave. Pegasus is impressed as he thinks Shadi just read his mind. He ignores Shadi's warning and follows him to an underground temple. After Shadi realizes Pegasus followed him, he puts him to theMillennium Eye's test. If Pegasus was worthy of the Eye, he would be granted his dearest wish, which was to see Cecelia again. Pegasus has his left eye replaced with the Millennium Eye, which Shadi forced into Pegasus' socket.

After receiving the eye, Pegasus saw a vision of Cecelia for a brief moment, enough to hug her before returning to reality.

Pegasus soon learned of the ancientShadow Gamesthat were played in ancient Egypt and became obsessed with their powers. Having createdIndustrial Illusions, he started a new game in the United States,Duel Monsters, a card game based on the Duels of ancient times. Combining the magic of the Millennium Items with these cards had the same effect as using them with the stone slabs originally used.

On a second trip to Egypt, Shadi took Pegasus to an underground city and led him to chamber, containing a tablet of carvings of theEgyptian Gods. Pegasus then returned to America to create the God Cards, basing them off what he'd seen on the tablet.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (2)

However, everyone Pegasus employed to work on the God cards died or disappeared in the dub. Despite this, Pegasus refused to stop this project. He continued to paint the God Cards himself. As he did so, he fell asleep and dreamed of a Egyptian city being destroyed by the Gods. Shadi appeared to Pegasus in the dream and warned him of the danger he was unleashing. He told Pegasus that his only hope was to return the God Cards to their resting place.

Fearing for his life, Pegasus returned to Egypt, and hadIshizu Ishtar, a current guardian, bury the Egyptian God Cards in the Pharaoh's tomb.

In the dub, during some unprecedented time in the creation ofDuel Monsters, Pegasus had also traveled to Eastern Asia, where he drew inspiration from the religions and mythologies to create theSpirit monstercard variety.[3]

Pegasus receives a proposal fromSeto KaibafromKaibaCorpinquiring about developing aDueling Arenasto amplifyDuel Monsters.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (3)

Pegasus participated in the IntercontinentalDuel MonstersChampionship tournament and facedBandit Keithin the finals. Pegasus toys with Keith and reads his mind using theMillennium Eye. He scribbles down some notes and calls a kid, namedSam, from the audience over. He hands Sam the instructions and tells him to use them to defeat Keith. In the meantime, Pegasus sits with Kaiba and happily accepts his proposal to develop the holographic system, as they watch Sam defeat and humiliate Keith.

Pegasus is also present at the regional Duel Monsters championship in Japan. He hands the prizes to the winnerWeevil Underwoodand invites him to participate in hisupcoming tournament.

Pegasus is the inspiration forDungeon Dice Monsters, a game thatDuke Devlincreated. After playing Duke in a game, Pegasus approves the creation of Dungeon Dice Monsters, wanting to expand it further. Upon Pegasus' request, Duke allows him to make an addition to the game. Pegasus adds "Dark Magician" as a monster, which Duke doesn't learn of until later. Pegasus also hacks into KaibaCorp's computer system and adds some of Dungeon Dice Monsters' data.


Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (4)

Pegasus is informed of the uncontestedDuel Monsterschampion,Seto Kaiba, being defeated byYugi Muto. He struck a deal withThe Big FivefromKaibaCorpin an attempt to overthrow Seto Kaiba and gain control of KaibaCorp. Pegasus planned theDuelist Kingdomtournament in the hopes of defeating Yugi Muto to restore the company's reputation (and take Yugi'sMillennium Puzzlein the dub). He planned to use KaibaCorp'sSolid Visiontechnology to create a holographic version of Cecelia. (In the dub, he planned on using the Millennium Items and the technology to revive Cecelia.)

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (5)

Pegasus sent Yugi avideotapeand items needed to participate in the tournament. Through the videotape, Pegasus was able to communicate with Yugi on the spot and faced him in a timed Duel. Pegasus won and stole the soul of Yugi's grandfather as Yugi'sPenalty Game. He forced Yugi to enter Duelist Kingdom to get back the soul of his grandfather.

Pegasus sent his henchmen to take care of Kaiba, but he escaped, making it look like he jumped to his death. Pegasus henchmen kidnappedMokuba, who had swallowed a key to a safe of documents Pegasus requires to take over KaibaCorp.

Kaiba managed to get to theDuelist Kingdom islandand demanded that Pegasus give Mokuba back. Pegasus responded by sealing Mokuba's soul in the "Soul Prison" card. He told Kaiba he would need 10Star Chipsto see him, like the other contestants. He gave him the 5 Star Chips Mokuba had previously stolen and told Kaiba that he must beat Yugi to get the other 5.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (6)

Kaiba did so and prepared to Duel Pegasus using hisDuel Disks, which he has designed to counter Pegasus' mind reading strategy. Pegasus agreed to use them, provided Kaiba also accepts his terms; to have Mokuba's body hold his Duel Disks. Kaiba refused to attack his own brother, so he Dueled Pegasus using a standardDueling Arena. With the ability to read his opponent's mind, Pegasus defeats Kaiba and traps his soul in another "Soul Prison" card.

Pegasus watched the semi-final Duels; Yugi Muto againstMai ValentineandJoey WheeleragainstBandit Keith. Having been humiliated by Pegasus in their last encounter, Keith held a gun to Pegasus after losing his Duel and demanded the prize money. Pegasus opened a trap door, causing Keith to plummet into the ocean.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (7)

As he planned, Pegasus ends up Dueling Yugi. Were Pegasus to win, Yugi's soul would be sealed in a card. Should Yugi win, Pegasus would release the souls of Yugi's grandfather and the Kaiba brothers. The Millennium Eye initially gives Pegasus a massive advantage, but Yugi andYami Yugiare able to outsmart him by using a "Mind Shuffle" technique, where each of them play a card face-down and then switch to the other mind without letting the other know what card they played. After the Yugis destroyed Pegasus' card "Toon World", giving them a small lead in Life Points, Pegasus draws them into aShadow Game. Although the game is too much for Yugi, causing him to collapse, Yami Yugi was still able to resist Pegasus's Eye with the aid of Yugi's friends reaching out to protect Yugi, allowing him to destroy Pegasus' monsters and win the Duel.

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (8)

After his defeat, a downhearted Pegasus leaves for his sanctuary where, true to his word, he releases the souls of Solomon, Kaiba and Mokuba, lamenting his failure to Cecelia. Shortly afterwards,Yami Bakuraconfronts him and challenges him to another Shadow Game, with their respective Millennium Items on the line. Weakened from his Duel with Yugi and Yami, Pegasus loses easily, and Yami Bakura takes his Millennium Eye. This causes Pegasus to fall into a coma, and his last appearance in the arc is being carried out of his sanctuary by Kemo, presumably for medical care.

Dungeon Dice Monsters

Pegasus's disappearance afterDuelist Kingdomhinders the release ofDungeon Dice Monsters.Duke DevlinblamesYugifor Pegasus' disappearance and faces him in Dungeon Dice Monsters over it. Yugi manages to win using the "Dark Magician" Pegasus added, and shortly afterwards it is revealed that Industrial Illusions plans to take Dungeon Dice Monsters global.

Duke uses Pegasus' additions to theKaibaCorpcomputer system to his advantage, by adding Dungeon Dice original monsters to his Deck when he is trapped in theVirtual World.

Waking The Dragons

Maximillion Pegasus | Wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Amino (9)

Pegasus returns in theWaking the Dragonsand gathers information onParadiuscompany and the company's true intentions. Pegasus warnedYugiand his friends of the impending danger and also gives Yugi the card "Legend of Heart", a key card leading to the defeat ofDartz. His soul is taken byMai Valentine, but is restored by the end of the arc. When Dartz Summoned the "Mirror Knights", Pegasus was one of the captured souls in the cards, along with Mai, Yugi, andJoey Wheeler. He is eventually freed after theThe Great Leviathanis destroyed.

KC Grand Championship

Though Pegasus doesn't make a physical appearance during this arc, he is mentioned several times. Firstly, when Yugi's group remember he paid for their flight to America. And Pegasus was later mentioned by Leon as the one personally responsible for creating the Fairy Tale cards Leon uses.Zigfried latergloats that his virus would wipe out KC's computer data, forcing Pegasus to sign a business contract withSchroeder Corp; though he is later foiled by the one weakness in "Golden Castle of Stromberg", allowing the virus to cease its destruction of the KC computer data.

Ceremonial Battle

Pegasus is told of the Ceremonial Battle towards the end of the series, where he gives a small narration of howYugi's past adventures have led to this. He later makes a business deal withZigfried von Schroeder. (This is not shown in the dub.)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

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Maximillion Pegasus

Table of Contents

For other versions of this character, seeMaximillion Pegasus (disambiguation).

Maximillion Pegasus

Maximillion PegasusNamesEnglishMaximillion PegasusJapanese translatedPegasus J. CrawfordSol ChevalskyTaiyō Tenma

Maximillion Pegasus, known asPegasus J. Crawfordin the Japanese version, is the president ofIndustrial Illusionsand the creator of the game ofDuel Monsters. He owns many cards that have never been released to the public. He originally wanted to be an artist before becoming obsessed with Egypt and creatingDuel Monsters. This did serve to fulfill his original dream as he drew monsters for his game.

Pegasus was the main antagonist of theDuelist Kingdomarc, but later redeems himself. Pegasus tried to take overKaibaCorpto see Cyndia using the company'sSolid Visiontechnology. In the American version of the anime, he wants to take over KaibaCorp and gain possession of theMillennium Itemsto combine KaibaCorp technology with the items in the hope of reviving his lover,Cecelia. In the anime, he became an ally starting afterBattle City.




Pegasus is depicted as a well-mannered yet overly dramatic man obsessed with cartoons, concealing the appearance of a ruthless businessman and gamer, and yet a man of his word.

Pegasus has a habit of callingYugi"Yugi-boy" andKaiba"Kaiba-boy". This trend continues inYu-Gi-Oh! GX. When sufficiently provoked, he can have a temper. Pegasus is also notable for his foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle, all of which have led to him being referred to as "cutie-pie" (byBandit Keith) and an "overdressed prima donna" (byJoey Wheeler).

Pegasus is interested in cartoons, especiallyFunny Bunny, which he watched every Saturday morning while growing up in America. Cartoons are the inspiration for many of his cards, such as theToon monsters.

Pegasus at first comes across as a cheater with a thirst for collecting souls and achieving his ambitions. This impression is changed when his true motive is revealed. Not only is Pegasus an excellent business man, his motivations for acting as the above was the resurrection of his deceased loverCecelia. Because he needed KaibaCorp's Solid Vision and thus needed KaibaCorp, the deal with the Big Five is that he be given control if he beat Yugi, to restore Kaiba Corp's reputation as Yugi beat Kaiba. From this, his cheating to beat Yugi and kidnapping Solomon, Mokuba, and Seto Kaiba becomes somewhat understandable. Furthermore, Pegasus himself honors his pledge to Yugi Muto claiming to be both "duty bound" and a "man of [his] word", releasing the souls ofSolomon Muto, Seto andMokuba Kaibabefore being defeated in aShadow GamebyYami Bakura. Despite cheating with the Millennium Eye himself, Pegasus showed a dislike for people who cheat for personal gain, such as Bandit Keith (who cheated right in front of him). In the anime, he was somewhat light-hearted in this aspect, simply making fun of Keith while dropping him with a trapdoor. However, he allowed the Duel to continue, presumably to see how Joey had grown as a Duelist.

Also, Pegasus displays great humility after his defeat; although he only had to free Solomon, Mokuba and Seto Kaiba if he lost to Yugi, he still gave him the prize money, having read Joey’s mind and realizing that Joey needed the money to save his sister’s eyesight.

In the manga, Pegasus often puts on a timid facade to trick his enemies. He pretends to be discouraged by minor upsets in his duels with Yugi and Kaiba, then acts as if his strategies are purely luck-based. When Kaiba attempts to use the duel disk prototypes, Pegasus pretends that he's too weak to carry the device, forcing Kaiba to use Pegasus' arena.

Pegasus tends to speak English in the original dub from time to time.

Years later inYu-Gi-Oh! GX, Pegasus dropped his ruthless facade completely and became more laid back and jovial. This was shown during his Duel againstVellian CrowlerandJean-Louis Bonaparte.

In the English dub of Bonds Beyond Time, Pegasus is portrayed with an extremely vain personality.


In all Japanese versions, Pegasus is known asPegasus J. Crawford. In the dub and manga, the name is insteadMaximillion Pegasus.

In the EnglishYu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Rosesvideo game, and in the instruction booklet forYu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, his original name,Pegasus Crawfordis used, while in the other games his dub and manga name is used. Pegasus is unusual in that his English name is used in the English manga while mostYu-Gi-Oh!human characters keep their Japanese names in the English manga. In the video game,Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, the character representing Pegasus within the virtual world of the game is namedPegasus J. Kroitzel.

InYu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction, Pegasus takes an alias. In the Japanese version, he takes the nameTaiyō Tenma(天馬 太陽,Tenma Taiyō). In the dub, he takes the nameSol Chevalsky, an approximate name when compared to his Japanese alias (Sol and Taiyou translate into "Sun").

Maximillion, Pegasus' English name, may refer to the fact that he is a rich person.



Pegasus meets Cecelia.

Maximillion Pegasus first metCeceliaat a party thrown by his businessman father in Las Vegas 14 years beforeDuelist Kingdom. The two fell in love and made plans to live together. Pegasus often spent time painting portraits of her. (In the dub, the two got married.) Cecelia died of illness at the age of 17.

Pegasus searched the world looking for anything that could possibly revive the dead. His quest led him to Egypt, where their beliefs of an afterlife intrigued him.

Pegasus gets the Millennium Eye.

Here he metShadi, the ghost of a guardian of theMillennium Items. Shadi warned him that he wouldn't find the solutions to his problems here and tells him to leave. Pegasus is impressed as he thinks Shadi just read his mind. He ignores Shadi's warning and follows him to an underground temple. After Shadi realizes Pegasus followed him, he puts him to theMillennium Eye's test. If Pegasus was worthy of the Eye, he would be granted his dearest wish, which was to see Cecelia again. Pegasus has his left eye replaced with the Millennium Eye, which Shadi forced into Pegasus' socket.

After receiving the eye, Pegasus saw a vision of Cecelia for a brief moment, enough to hug her before returning to reality.

Pegasus soon learned of the ancientShadow Gamesthat were played in ancient Egypt and became obsessed with their powers. Having createdIndustrial Illusions, he started a new game in the United States,Duel Monsters, a card game based on the Duels of ancient times. Combining the magic of the Millennium Items with these cards had the same effect as using them with the stone slabs originally used.

On a second trip to Egypt, Shadi took Pegasus to an underground city and led him to chamber, containing a tablet of carvings of theEgyptian Gods. Pegasus then returned to America to create the God Cards, basing them off what he'd seen on the tablet.

Pegasus witnesses the Egyptian Gods vision

However, everyone Pegasus employed to work on the God cards died or disappeared in the dub. Despite this, Pegasus refused to stop this project. He continued to paint the God Cards himself. As he did so, he fell asleep and dreamed of a Egyptian city being destroyed by the Gods. Shadi appeared to Pegasus in the dream and warned him of the danger he was unleashing. He told Pegasus that his only hope was to return the God Cards to their resting place.

Fearing for his life, Pegasus returned to Egypt, and hadIshizu Ishtar, a current guardian, bury the Egyptian God Cards in the Pharaoh's tomb.

In the dub, during some unprecedented time in the creation ofDuel Monsters, Pegasus had also traveled to Eastern Asia, where he drew inspiration from the religions and mythologies to create theSpirit monstercard variety.[3]

Pegasus receives a proposal fromSeto KaibafromKaibaCorpinquiring about developing aDueling Arenasto amplifyDuel Monsters.

Pegasus vs. Bandit Keith

Pegasus participated in the IntercontinentalDuel MonstersChampionship tournament and facedBandit Keithin the finals. Pegasus toys with Keith and reads his mind using theMillennium Eye. He scribbles down some notes and calls a kid, namedSam, from the audience over. He hands Sam the instructions and tells him to use them to defeat Keith. In the meantime, Pegasus sits with Kaiba and happily accepts his proposal to develop the holographic system, as they watch Sam defeat and humiliate Keith.

Pegasus is also present at the regional Duel Monsters championship in Japan. He hands the prizes to the winnerWeevil Underwoodand invites him to participate in hisupcoming tournament.

Pegasus is the inspiration forDungeon Dice Monsters, a game thatDuke Devlincreated. After playing Duke in a game, Pegasus approves the creation of Dungeon Dice Monsters, wanting to expand it further. Upon Pegasus' request, Duke allows him to make an addition to the game. Pegasus adds "Dark Magician" as a monster, which Duke doesn't learn of until later. Pegasus also hacks into KaibaCorp's computer system and adds some of Dungeon Dice Monsters' data.


Duelist Kingdom

Pegasus learns of Kaiba's defeat

Pegasus is informed of the uncontestedDuel Monsterschampion,Seto Kaiba, being defeated byYugi Muto. He struck a deal withThe Big FivefromKaibaCorpin an attempt to overthrow Seto Kaiba and gain control of KaibaCorp. Pegasus planned theDuelist Kingdomtournament in the hopes of defeating Yugi Muto to restore the company's reputation (and take Yugi'sMillennium Puzzlein the dub). He planned to use KaibaCorp'sSolid Visiontechnology to create a holographic version of Cecelia. (In the dub, he planned on using the Millennium Items and the technology to revive Cecelia.)

Pegasus Dueling Yugi through thevideo.

Pegasus sent Yugi avideotapeand items needed to participate in the tournament. Through the videotape, Pegasus was able to communicate with Yugi on the spot and faced him in a timed Duel. Pegasus won and stole the soul of Yugi's grandfather as Yugi'sPenalty Game. He forced Yugi to enter Duelist Kingdom to get back the soul of his grandfather.

Pegasus sent his henchmen to take care of Kaiba, but he escaped, making it look like he jumped to his death. Pegasus henchmen kidnappedMokuba, who had swallowed a key to a safe of documents Pegasus requires to take over KaibaCorp.

Kaiba managed to get to theDuelist Kingdom islandand demanded that Pegasus give Mokuba back. Pegasus responded by sealing Mokuba's soul in the "Soul Prison" card. He told Kaiba he would need 10Star Chipsto see him, like the other contestants. He gave him the 5 Star Chips Mokuba had previously stolen and told Kaiba that he must beat Yugi to get the other 5.

Pegasus seals Kaiba's soul in a "Soul Prison" card

Kaiba did so and prepared to Duel Pegasus using hisDuel Disks, which he has designed to counter Pegasus' mind reading strategy. Pegasus agreed to use them, provided Kaiba also accepts his terms; to have Mokuba's body hold his Duel Disks. Kaiba refused to attack his own brother, so he Dueled Pegasus using a standardDueling Arena. With the ability to read his opponent's mind, Pegasus defeats Kaiba and traps his soul in another "Soul Prison" card.

Pegasus watched the semi-final Duels; Yugi Muto againstMai ValentineandJoey WheeleragainstBandit Keith. Having been humiliated by Pegasus in their last encounter, Keith held a gun to Pegasus after losing his Duel and demanded the prize money. Pegasus opened a trap door, causing Keith to plummet into the ocean.

Pegasus in his Shadow Game with Yugi

As he planned, Pegasus ends up Dueling Yugi. Were Pegasus to win, Yugi's soul would be sealed in a card. Should Yugi win, Pegasus would release the souls of Yugi's grandfather and the Kaiba brothers. The Millennium Eye initially gives Pegasus a massive advantage, but Yugi andYami Yugiare able to outsmart him by using a "Mind Shuffle" technique, where each of them play a card face-down and then switch to the other mind without letting the other know what card they played. After the Yugis destroyed Pegasus' card "Toon World", giving them a small lead in Life Points, Pegasus draws them into aShadow Game. Although the game is too much for Yugi, causing him to collapse, Yami Yugi was still able to resist Pegasus's Eye with the aid of Yugi's friends reaching out to protect Yugi, allowing him to destroy Pegasus' monsters and win the Duel.

Pegasus' andBakura's Shadow Game.After his defeat, a downhearted Pegasus leaves for his sanctuary where, true to his word, he releases the souls of Solomon, Kaiba and Mokuba, lamenting his failure to Cecelia. Shortly afterwards,Yami Bakuraconfronts him and challenges him to another Shadow Game, with their respective Millennium Items on the line. Weakened from his Duel with Yugi and Yami, Pegasus loses easily, and Yami Bakura takes his Millennium Eye. This causes Pegasus to fall into a coma, and his last appearance in the arc is being carried out of his sanctuary by Kemo, presumably for medical care.

Dungeon Dice Monsters

Pegasus's disappearance afterDuelist Kingdomhinders the release ofDungeon Dice Monsters.Duke DevlinblamesYugifor Pegasus' disappearance and faces him in Dungeon Dice Monsters over it. Yugi manages to win using the "Dark Magician" Pegasus added, and shortly afterwards it is revealed that Industrial Illusions plans to take Dungeon Dice Monsters global.

Duke uses Pegasus' additions to theKaibaCorpcomputer system to his advantage, by adding Dungeon Dice original monsters to his Deck when he is trapped in theVirtual World.

Waking the Dragons

Holographic Pegasus.

Pegasus returns in theWaking the Dragonsand gathers information onParadiuscompany and the company's true intentions. Pegasus warnedYugiand his friends of the impending danger and also gives Yugi the card "Legend of Heart", a key card leading to the defeat ofDartz. His soul is taken byMai Valentine, but is restored by the end of the arc. When Dartz Summoned the "Mirror Knights", Pegasus was one of the captured souls in the cards, along with Mai, Yugi, andJoey Wheeler. He is eventually freed after theThe Great Leviathanis destroyed.

KC Grand Championship

Though Pegasus doesn't make a physical appearance during this arc, he is mentioned several times. Firstly, when Yugi's group remember he paid for their flight to America. And Pegasus was later mentioned by Leon as the one personally responsible for creating the Fairy Tale cards Leon uses.Zigfried latergloats that his virus would wipe out KC's computer data, forcing Pegasus to sign a business contract withSchroeder Corp; though he is later foiled by the one weakness in "Golden Castle of Stromberg", allowing the virus to cease its destruction of the KC computer data.

Ceremonial Battle

Pegasus is told of the Ceremonial Battle towards the end of the series, where he gives a small narration of howYugi's past adventures have led to this. He later makes a business deal withZigfried von Schroeder. (This is not shown in the dub.)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Shortly before finishing school,Chumley Huffingtonis called upon by Pegasus personally to work as a card designer for I² due to his successful card design submission ofAyers Rock Sunrise.[4]

WhenFranz, an I² employee, steals the only remaining copy ofThe Winged Dragon of Ra(and controls it with a field spell he created and travels toDuel Academyto test it out on the participants of theGenex Tournament. Pegasus and Chumley follow him to Duel Academy and end up working with Chumley's school chum,Jaden Yuki, to track him down. AfterChancellor Sheppardhalts the tournament, the group finds Franz and Pegasus prepares to Duel him. Jaden steps in, however, and though he struggled at first against a God Card, manages to hold his own. After seeing Ra in pain, Jaden declares he will save the monster from Franz' grasp and ends up destroying Ra and resurrecting to beat Franz. Pegasus watches the Duel in awe of Jaden's confidence and ability and even compares him to Yugi (much like Yugi's owngrandfatherhad done before). After the Duel, Pegasus credits Franz for his work, but tells him he would have to do things differently to continue at I².[5]

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Sometime later, he issues aTriangle DuelagainstDr. CrowlerandVice-Chancellor Bonapartefor their right to work at Industrial Illusions, after the two believe themselves to be fired by Chancellor Sheppard. Pegasus wins the triangle Duel but accepts them as employees until Sheppard arrives and tells the two that they were not actually fired. Shortly afterwards, Pegasus and Sheppard meet in private to discuss the threat of the "Ultimate D-Card" that was stolen from Aster's father.[6]

While watching Jaden DuelJesse Anderson,Aster Phoenixrecalls a meeting he had with Pegasus in which Pegasus reveals that his (then) "top five" Duelists were: 1.Yugi Muto, 2.Seto Kaiba, 3.Joey Wheeler, 4.Aster Phoenix, and 5.Jesse Anderson. He explains that Jesse was the only Duelist who could use the "Crystal Beast" cards he had given him. However, Jesse did not have the "Rainbow Dragon" card as its tablet had not yet been discovered. While Jesse and everyone else at Duel Academy were trapped in another dimension, the tablet is discovered and Pegasus uses a high tech portable card designer to create the card right then and there. After its finished, the card is transported to the other dimension so Jesse could use its power to take the school back home.[7]

Some time later, when several cards stopped working on Duel Disks he hiredAxel Brodieto investigate.[8]WhenNightshroud, the one behind the dysfunctional cards (and much more), Duels Jaden for the fate of the world, he tells him about the origins of the universe. Among other moments, Pegasus' discovery of theTablet of Lost Memoriesis shown.[9]

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

A poster for theWRGPlists one of its sponsors as the "Pegasus J. Crawford Memorial Foundation", suggesting that by5D'she had passed away.[10]

Altered timelines

Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time

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Pegasus is the target ofParadox, the main antagonist inYu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time. Here, Paradox aims to kill Pegasus usingYusei Fudo's "Stardust Dragon", eliminatingDuel Monstersfrom existence in order to prevent his future from being destroyed bySynchro Summoning. When Paradox came toYugi Muto's time during a tournament that Pegasus was hosting, he used hisMaleficDragons to destroy buildings in the plaza, resulting in Pegasus' death as he was crushed under a collapsing building, along with several other bystanders, includingSolomon Muto. Yugi then travelled back in time withYusei FudoandJaden Yukito a point prior to both Pegasus's arrival in Domino City and Paradox's, so that the three can defeat Paradox. After Paradox's defeat, Pegasus is then shown distributing cards at the event.

Non-canon appearances

Pyramid of Light

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Pegasus also appears in the non-canonYu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light, which takes place after Battle City and before Waking The Dragons. Pegasus dreams of the impending danger as it enters his room to set its plan in motion. Soon after, Kaiba arrives and demands a way to defeat Yugi's threeEgyptian God Cardssince he knew Pegasus wouldn't let them go without a way to take them down. Pegasus admits to having a card that may work, but doesn't agree to Duel for it until after Kaiba wagers his three "Blue-Eyes White Dragons". Though he uses his belovedToons, Pegasus is defeated after Kaiba uses "XYZ-Dragon Cannon" to destroy "Toon World" (which destroys theToon Monstersas well) and attack him directly. Kaiba discovers two cards to take on the God Cards and doesn't believe Pegasus when he insists he only hadone. Pegasus investigates theextra cardand discovers the history ofAnubisand arrives just in time to saveTéa Gardner,Solomon Muto, andMokubafrom being crushed when Kaiba's Duel Dome starts to collapse. When Anubis reveals himself to Duel the Pharaoh and the building collapses further, Pegasus Summons "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" and "Toon Dark Magician Girl" to catch some falling debris before they are (goofishly) crushed.

Video Games

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Pegasus makes a number of appearances outside of the variousYu-Gi-Oh!anime and manga adaptions. He appears as an opponent in many of the video games, using his signature Toon themed Deck. His most prominent appearance in the video games is inYu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction, in which Pegasus once again appears as the main villain. Having found an ancient stone tablet, Pegasus is possessed by an ancient creature known as Reshef the Dark Being, and renames himself "Sol Chevalsky". Using his resources, Pegasus summons forth all of his former minions, including theParadox BrothersandPaniKfrom the Duelist Kingdom arc, and sends them to claim the Millennium Items while he prepares to free the Dark Being from its stone prison.

Ishizu Ishtarforesees the calamity that the Dark Being could unleash, and recruits Yugi, Joey, and the player's character to put an end to Pegasus' evil plans. They eventually succeed in freeing Pegasus and defeating the Dark Being, but Reshef attempts to possess him again. Saddened by his evil actions, Pegasus allows the Dark Being to take his soul, telling Yugi and his friends to seal him away with Reshef trapped inside of him. Pegasus ultimately accepts his fate, expressing his gratitude at having faced such powerful Duelists before he is sealed into the stone tablet.


Pegasus uses aToon Deckfocused around the card "Toon World" which, in the manga and anime, is a one of a kind card that allows him to play specialToon monsters. DuringDuelist Kingdom, aside from his Toon cards Pegasus utilizes control cards to disable enemy monsters, such as "Trap Displacement" and "Magical Neutralizing Force", and cards that can turn an opponent's cards against them, such as a combo of "Dragon Capture Jar" and "Dragon Piper", or "Doppleganger". These cards take full advantage of Pegasus's mind reading abilities to anticipate and counter his opponent's moves. As an extension of this control, Pegasus created the cards "Relinquished", "Thousand-Eyes Restrict", "Thousand-Eyes Idol", and "Dark-Eyes Illusionist" specifically for his Duel with Yugi, the cards having the ability to block enemy attacks and absorb the power of Yugi's monsters.


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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